The first Earth Day, April 22, 1970, was organized by its principal founder, Wisconsin senator Gaylord Nelson, as an environmental teach-in. Teach-ins differ from seminars in that they are meant to be spontaneous, action oriented, and energized from the grassroots.What have we learned and what actions have we taken in our city since 1970?
"The opportunity for a gradual but complete break with our destructive environmental history and a new beginning is at hand…. We can measure up to the challenge if we have the will to do so—that is the only question. I am optimistic that this generation will have the foresight and the will to begin the task of forging a sustainable society."
What can we do as individuals to be part of forging a sustainable society? NYC currently provides a cornucopia of opportunities for training in sustainable living! Taking part in programs which help our members gain a broad range of practical green knowledge and experience is like going to Boot Camp.
Some Green New Yorkers Bootcamp Highlights:
GrowNYC recycle volunteer orientation
GrowNYC green market volunteer orientation
NYC Compost Project classes
East River Blueway Tour with LESEC
Tour Greenpoint Sewage Plant and Digester Eggs
Volunteer at an urban farm - BK Farmyards, Eagle St Rooftop Farm, Smiling Hogshead Ranch, etc
Just Food and Green Thumb classes - urban farming, chicken care, CSA organization, canning, pickling
GreenHomeNYC forums, career workshops, and green building tours
* Volunteer at Build It Green
*Volunteer for oyster planting projects
*Solar City Workshops
*Parks or shoreline cleanup
*on our radar for future Meetups
How far along are you in your Green Boot Camp training?
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