I suddenly became very
excited. My furrowed brow of worry and alarm
smoothed out and my eyes brightened with new possibility. I had been thinking about volunteering for a
long time but just never got around to starting. I wanted to get more involved
in my community and now was the time to get going! So I set out on a journey to learn about how
to participate in green initiatives near me and help make change happen right
here. I joined New York Cares (http://newyorkcares.org/), attended
their orientation, and began doing volunteer projects in parks and gardens
around the city. If you are interested
in volunteering but not sure how to start, then NY Cares is the place to
begin. It is incredibly easy and
organized, and I feel like I am part of an army of doers. It is the best way to explore the 1200+ local
organizations that need volunteers on an ongoing basis. The NY Cares website is fantastic for quickly
finding projects that need people to volunteer any day of the week, by
neighborhood, by type of project, and even by subway line. I started doing projects that involved park
and community garden clean ups and work.
I do love digging in the dirt. I
have also been having a fun time volunteering with GrowNYC (http://www.grownyc.org/) with their kitchen
scrap composting program available at a few greenmarkets around the city. It is a good program to promote diverting compostable
material from the city garbage system and instead sending this rich resource to
our local urban farms, gardens, and other places that can use it.
I decided to take my
Saturday volunteering to the next level.
In my efforts to become more and more green in my everyday life, I had
been thinking of going vegetarian and so started doing “Meatless Mondays” (http://www.meatlessmonday.com/) which
is a movement that you are likely aware of.
Even Oprah had done a show about it during her final season. The idea is to consciously not eat meat on
Mondays, and in so doing eating more vegetables and soy to improve diet and
health, while also buying and consuming less from the meat industry which is a
huge polluter in this country. Taking a
cue from this concept I thought it would be fun and rewarding to do “Green
Saturdays” during which I would not use any (or as little as possible) personal
electricity each Saturday. I really got
excited. I decided to start documenting
my green Saturdays on twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/greensaturdays). I like using twitter as an alternative for
communication and networking and this form of “micro blogging” seemed right for
the job. There are a million things that I can do in this city while not using my electricity and it has been a blast doing them. I look forward to my Saturdays now in a way that I never did before: just finding outdoor or indoor things to do is part of the fun. I also enjoy saving a little coin on my electric bill! The most fun part of my green
Saturdays and volunteering is that I have met so many like-minded people here
in New York and started some great friendships, an army of greenies and you’d
never even know it!
During my nearly 10
months of doing Green Saturdays, I am proud to say that I have learned so much,
I have met incredible people, and I have explored this city in new and exciting
ways. Ten months ago I was not sure how
New York City was getting green or what organizations were available for people
who want to get more involved. Now, I
do. Green Saturdays brought me to Green
New Yorkers and other environmentally friendly groups and people. I do feel 100 times more conscious about our
environmental situation in New York, in the US, and in the world as a
whole. I find myself paying so much more
attention and being “plugged in” to our future.
Am I saving the world by not using my electricity once a week? No. But going from being a complainer to a
doer has meant everything this past year to me by getting involved and getting
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