Monday, December 24, 2012

Reflecting on Ethics for a Better World

As our year comes to a close in a season normally filled with joy and celebration, many hearts are heavy because of the toll both of natural disasters and human tragedies. Is it possible for humans to live in harmony with the Earth and with each other?

Care of People
Care of the Earth
Having a Surplus to Share

Who in today's world follows these three principles? Actually there are so very many that we can list.

Some of the organizations and businesses:
New York Cares
Occupy Sandy
Khan Academy
Acumen Fund
The Working World
Habitat for Humanity
NY Restoration Project
Just Food
Green Thumb
City Harvest
Polyface Farms
Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

Some of the individuals:
Joe Leuken  (
Salman Khan
Jacqueline Novogratz
Brendan Martin
Vicki Robin (and deceased partner Joe Dominguez)
Bette Midler
Dr. John Todd
Colin Beavan
Cecil Scheib
Will Allen
Joel Salatin
Henry Gifford
Chris Benedict
Gennaro Brooks-Church
Bill Mollison
David Holmgren
Sepp Holzer
Rob Hopkins
There are so many many more (including my wonderful colleagues at Green New Yorkers Meetup!) Which organizations and individuals would you like to add?

Coincidentally ;-), the three ethics: earth care, people care and fair share  form the foundation for Permaculture Design.

Can we ever have a modern global society based on these principles rather than the currently popular but highly destructive Social Darwinism? Let's start with Permaculture education and practice. From there we can build a community of social and business networks with likeminded people.

Local Permaculture Teachers:
Claudia Joseph
Andrew Faust
Julie Welch

Revolutions have started this way. 
On with the Permaculture Revolution!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Strategies for Resilience in a Post Sandy Era

Tracks of all tropical cyclones in the northern Atlantic Ocean between 1980 and 2005
An insurance company has aired advertisements saying "You didn't choose to be in the path of Sandy..." Sadly for us, this isn't quite true.  We have chosen to live in a known tropical cyclone zone. We have not designed our homes, buildings, subway stations, and subway tunnels to be storm resistant. We have destroyed the original natural storm barriers, namely oyster reefs and salt marsh flats. And despite many warnings, we did not adequately prepare before Sandy struck.

Where are you on the Flood Zone map? Addresses in NYC can be checked on

Climate scientist, Dr. Trenberth, has been  harshly attacked  by climate change deniers for his projection that the risk of harm from severe weather, including hurricanes, would increase. Branding Dr. Trenberth an "alarmist" his critics went further to assert that infrastructure investments to mitigate hurricane damage were unnecessary and a waste of money.

Hopefully our tristate area will listen to Dr. Trenberth and not his critics.

Municipal Initiatives:
Reassess building codes and evacuation zone borders
Determine how best to flood-proof power and transportation networks
Make sure our vulnerable populations, especially those in hospitals and nursing homes, are provided for
Decide how to protect the coast with levees, dunes, natural structures, or a combination
Determine how to fund the many projects that will be needed!

Paying for the infrastructure changes we need will be expensive indeed...however...experts estimate that a dollar spent for prevention will save 4 dollars of damage!  

Permaculture Principle #11 says "use edges and value the marginal"...the interface between two ecosystems can be particularly valuable and productive. I believe that designing with nature instead of waging war with nature will be the best solution. Will our leaders agree?

 Principle 11: Use edges & value the marginal. Proverb: Don’t think you are on the right track just because it’s a well-beaten path.

Individual Initiatives:
We need our trusted friends and family...and they need us. In emergencies, we help each other with places to stay, child care, sharing cars, food, supplies, internet access, and so much more.
It's good to know how things work. How to light a stove or oven when we have gas but not electric. How to flush a toilet without running water. How to compost food and yard waste, even sewage waste... etc.
It's important to stay healthy and fit if possible. We are better off if we can walk, bike, climb stairs, carry heavy stuff, perhaps cut fallen tree limbs, shovel sand...etc.

Above all, being willing to creatively use and respond to change, which is Permaculture Principle #12, will lead to positive results!

 Principle 12: Creatively use & respond to change. Proverb: Vision is not seeing things as they are but as they will be.

Greenies, what would you add to the list?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Connecting the Dots Between Climate Change and Extreme Weather

Is smoking related to cancer? Does diet affect health? Today we recognize as fact that these are indeed related. Yet in the past, many business and political leaders fostered controversy and doubt about these issues for decades letting millions of people make harmful choices.

Similarly, today, many business and political leaders want doubt and controversy to shroud the question of whether there are dots to connect between extreme weather, climate change, and the fossil fuel industry that pumps carbon into our atmosphere. (Dr Trenberth is one of the climate scientists roundly vilified and branded an "alarmist" for his call to plan for and adapt to a changing climate.) 

As millions of people from the Caribbean to the U.S. and up to Canada suffer heartbreaking devastation from the unprecedented destruction of SuperStorm Sandy, we must address this issue in order to map a course for our future.  Do we assume storms like Hurricanes Katrina, Irene, and Sandy are just a matter of natural variability of "normal" weather so that we should simply rebuild and live life as "usual" or do we recognize that the Earth has changed and that we need to live differently to adapt to the new conditions?

Scientists choose their words carefully and so Climate Deniers think scientists are testifying that recent weather disasters are completely unrelated to Climate Change.


(Dr. Trenberth) "human-induced global warming has been raising the overall temperature of the surface ocean, by about one degree Fahrenheit since the 1970s. So global warming very likely contributed a notable fraction of the energy on which the storm (Sandy) thrived — perhaps as much as 10 percent"

"The ocean is rising relentlessly, and scientists say this is a direct consequence of global warming. Warm water expands, just as warm air does, and the warming of the ocean is one factor behind the rise. Another is that land ice the world over is starting to melt as the climate grows warmer, dumping extra water into the ocean."

(Dr. Emanuel) "coastal flooding on a scale that once happened only once or twice per century — the scale of Sandy, in other words — will become much more commonplace within the coming decades."


(Dr. Hoerling) "There is a nice historical record of the tide level at the Battery just below Manhattan that goes back to 1850s. And that time series, which is fairly complete up to current, shows a rise in the total sea level of about one foot in the 150 years of that record. Now, we have 14-foot rise related to Sandy. So one foot out of 14 may not be something that is critical. But it may very well be in the sense that that last foot may be the foot that moved the water into very prone areas."

*From NYT Green Blogs -
**From NPR interview -

Dr. Trenberth sums up the misunderstanding succinctly: "The answer to the oft-asked question of whether an event is caused by climate change is that it is the wrong question. All weather events are affected by climate change because the environment in which they occur is warmer and moister than it used to be." He illustrates by pointing out that steroids in a baseball player's system do not cause home runs all by themselves but do make home runs more likely. UC Berkeley linguist George Lakoff describes this confusion as arising from the public's misunderstanding of the difference between "direct causation" and "systemic causation".

Please submit your photos to

Join Green New Yorkers Meetup in signing up for
Al Gore's 24 hours of Climate Reality Project (Nov  14)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Holistic Approach to the Healthcare Crisis

The debate is currently raging in the political, business, and public arenas over the best approach to medical insurance coverage for Americans. It is abundantly clear that our health care costs are painfully high and growing unsustainably!

Conspicuously absent is the recognition that the concept of insurance by definition is about covering eventualities that are unlikely to take place.

We need to do everything we can to make illness an unlikely event in our lives!
If we become healthier as a nation we will solve the healthcare crisis!
Can we accomplish such a challenge?

Fortunately many highly qualified doctors have pointed to holistic ways to achieve excellent health without costly medical interventions.

Take a look:

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn

Dr. Joel Furhman

Dr. Mehmet Oz

Although these esteemed doctors differ on many of their recommendations (I'm very sure I've never eaten a meal that Dr. Esselstyn would approve of...LOL), they all concur with the gist of Dr. Furhman's statement about nutrition in America:

"Those who eat the standard American Diet with an overabundance of calories but a very low nutrient per calorie intake are in a chronically malnourished condition. This combination of being overweight yet malnourished is the true life threatening epidemic in the modern world resulting in a medical care crisis and avoidable medical tragedies. With the ubiquitous consumption of low nutrient processed foods, nutritional deficiency has become the norm."

 "Health = Nutrients/Calories"

How do we avoid the outsized medical expenses currently typical near the end of our lives? Scott Nearing, famous for demonstrating how to live simply, also shows us a way of graciously exiting our earthly lives. In the words of his wife, Helen, he "quietly breathed away his life at home in Maine 3 weeks after his 100th birthday. He went with dignity, purposely fasting, after a long and good life."

Are we willing to accept the challenge
of attaining good health and long life
with low healthcare costs?

Friday, August 31, 2012

"Slowing the Rise of Oceans and Healing the Planet"

From Mitt Romney's August 30th acceptance speech:
"President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans." (LAUGHTER from delegates) "And to heal the planet." (LAUGHTER from delegates) "My promise is to help you and your family." (APPLAUSE from delegates) (

I'm saddened and dismayed that so many politicians and their supporters still don't get it :-(

The increasing imbalance of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere since the 18th century Industrial Revolution is a well documented fact. The coincidental timing of Hurricane Isaac with the start of the Republican Convention seemed to me to be a dramatic wake up call. The Summer of drought, crop failure, and forest fires have amply demonstrated the harm to human habitation that Climate Change causes. Yet environmental concerns were offhandedly belittled by the candidates and delegates alike.

Did it ever make sense to burn precious nonrenewable fossil resources at all? When we hear of lottery winners blowing off their fortunes in a short time by going on wild spending sprees we are not filled with admiration are we? Yet, while surrounded by renewable sun, wind, and biomass energy sources, we as a society have proceeded during the last 262 years to wantonly destroy irreplaceable fossil materials and to do so in a manner that harms our habitat.

Extracting fossil resources at the current stage of difficulty is analogous to the choice of the young teenager in China who sold one of his kidneys to buy an iPad and iPhone. The young teen became ill after his operation and his furious mother smashed his gadgets. Removing mountaintops for coal, extracting oil from tarsands, building the Keystone XL pipeline over the precious Ogallala acquifer, fracking for natural gas by contaminating water, air, and soil, these procedures amount to damaging the Earth's vital organs.  We harm our future to enjoy a brief interval of wastefulness.

The promised "jobs" and "energy independence" will undoubtedly come from unrestrained drilling and fracking if these political factions have their way. This way of "helping" us and our families is akin to enlisting us to dig our own graves. Yes, we are expected to be elated about sharing in anthropomorphic suicide.

Rob Hopkins is from the region where the Industrial Revolution began.  In his TED presentation about Transitioning to a World Without Oil, he reminds us that the cheap oil our world depends on is running out and points us to a future beyond oil:

There is a better way and we have the tools to implement it!
Grassroots Transition Town movements are implementing an "energy descent plan" and preparing to "power down":

Rob Hopkins sums up with a quote from Arundhati Roy: "Another world is not only possible, she's on her way and on a quiet day I can hear her breathing."

Greenies, what kind of future do you want to build?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Another World Is Possible: 4 videos for July 4th

This July 4th week, as we celebrate the world's oldest democracy, let's reflect on the many positive grassroots initiatives that are underway.

Please view these 4 videos:

Andrew Faust: "Another world is possible!"

Nic Esposito: "Right here, right now, I think we humans beings are at our most just, most humane, most Earth conscious, than we have ever been before on this planet."

Penny Livingston-Stark: "The good news is, the solutions are here, they are available on every scale."

Charlie Hoxie:  Passive Passion, a documentary film "introducing the Passive House standard, a design method that incorporates insulation, air tightness, and heat recovery ventilation to achieve staggering reductions in the energy required to heat and cool a building".

In 1976 a computer simulation team led by Wayne Schick at the Small Homes Council at University of Illinois Urbana developed a design called the
Lo-Cal house. The house was never built, but its design features pioneered the key design facets of today's Passive Houses.

Fast forward to 2012, New York architect, Gennaro Brooks-Church is currently building an Earthship House on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
 earthship Earthship and Passive House

Enjoy the fireworks!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's Earth Day!

It's Earth Day again, an observance/protest that began in 1970.

Have we made progress?  Yes, in many ways.
Have matters become even more critical? Yes, sadly, in many more ways.

Here's a 2 pronged approach I plan to take today:

*How much can we reduce our fossil fuel footprint?
Architect Chris Benedict recommends reducing our home energy use to the Passive House standard. She states that this drastic reduction is needed in order for renewable sources of energy to be sufficient for our needs.

Today we have the opportunity to tour a Brooklyn brownstone retrofitted by architect Jeremy Shannon to the PH standard.

How a strong a message can we send to political and business leaders?
Today we can join the "Rally to Retake Earth Day"

Greenies, what are your plans for today?


*Oops, I didn't mean to give an impression that I thought it would be easy or cost effective to retrofit all of our homes to the PH standard in the near future.

It is a long term goal that I think we must start working towards ASAP.  Plus, applying the principles PH is based on can reduce our fossil fuel needs within our existing infrastructure.


Summer:  Keep the Western window shades closed all day, keep the Eastern window shades closed in the mornings. Use ceiling fans instead of air conditioners.  On cool nights that aren't muggy, bring the cool air inside with fans.  Don't use the oven on hot days.

Winter:  Let the Sun in from the West and South!  Add insulation to the North windows.  Look for and seal up air leaks in windows and doors.  Open windows for ventilation when the sun is shining.

In a small home less fuel is needed for the smaller space.  In a larger home establishing a seasonal pattern of use is helpful.  A tiled basement family room is a cool sanctuary in Summer and the West facing den is the place to read a book in Winter.  Spaces we aren't using don't need to be heated or cooled to the max.

Think of what cats do to be comfortable.  Yes, cats are energy experts ;-)

 On a hot Summer day this kitty
stayed in the middle of the house and stretched out on the vinyl kitchen floor.

On a cold but sunny Winter afternoon
she curled up in the armchair by a Western window. 

How much difference can small low cost DIY measures make?  In my own home, the average daily gas use went down from a max of 6 therms in the Winter of 2004 to only 2.5 therms in the Winter of 2009.   In January of 2010, the furnace (1965 vintage) and hot water heater (2002 vintage) were replaced which brought the average daily gas use to below 2 therms in the Winter and to .5 therm in the summer.  Electricity use is about 5 KWH per day at the Summer max. I don't have any air conditioners.  In short, it's entirely possible to make some progress towards fossil fuel independence without costly investments. 

There's no time to lose.  Let's change our energy habits ASAP!

Monday, March 26, 2012

From Nuclear to Ecological Engineering

A couple of years ago I left a good-paying government job in nonproliferation to first write a book and then pursue a career change. I had a MS in Nuclear Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2007 and worked for almost three years at this government job.

Why did I do this? And why did I go into nuclear engineering in the first place? At the time, I was interested in two areas within the field: 1) nonproliferation and 2) nuclear waste. Nonproliferation seemed interesting to me because I could potentially work in a technical field but related to ethics - to hopefully contribute to a safer world. 2) Nuclear waste is of course one of the biggest issues with nuclear power, and a solution to that would be great.

In graduate school (and this could just be representative of where I happened to be), I didn't find the particularly progressive atmosphere I was hoping for. (Perhaps Berkeley would have been better!!!) Some people were simply gung-ho for nuclear power, with little changing from our current culture's excessive and wasteful energy usage other than what source it comes from. Other people were more into research and other applications of nuclear technology, for which there are many very solidly good uses.

After working in nonproliferation for awhile, I realized I had difficulty keeping up a high level of interest in the affairs of all sorts of different countries pertaining to their programs and speculation about their attention. There was lots of concern about terrorist use of materials - where I worked, not so much nuclear bombs, but just pure radioactive material that could possibly be spread around a city creating a whole mess of a problem, even though there would be few deaths. This is called a dirty bomb. It just didn't fit with me to worry so much about a relatively remote chance of such a terrorist threat, even though it would be scary, and I'm glad overall that other people are doing something about it. It's a pretty nonpartisan topic.

So during this time, I discovered two fascinating books. Joseph Jenkins' "The Humanure Handbook" and Michael Pollan's "Omnivore's Dilemma". The first opened up to me the world of microorganisms, and an understanding of the resources inherent in our waste. All waste in nature is recycled, yet when we throw away our wastes we not only lose their value, they actually become pollutants and disease carriers because we concentrate them and mix them with all sorts of other stuff. Omnivore's Dilemma had a bit of a sciency feel and it taught me about the complex and beautiful ecology and patterns of nature, and how synergistic agriculture could be far more productive, beautiful, and actually beneficial to nature. I learned about why fertilizers and standard huge-scale agriculture is so damaging, and it was a fun and exciting read packed full of interesting knowledge.

I finally saw that there was plenty of science and engineering in these fields, and a great need for more precision and quantifiable information to counteract the well-meaning but very subjective fluffy trends in the environmental movements. Many schools had Environmental Engineering programs, but they tended to simply solve the symptoms of the problems we create, instead of really look back to the beginning of the system and try to solve them there more holistically. I found an Ecological Engineering program that was focused much more on true sustainability, wary of "greenwash" or misleading green advertising/propaganda, and where I could study things like urban sustainability, microorganisms, and even poo! (This is what's composted in humanure). They have a great Engineers Without Borders group, and in 2010 I went to Haiti to volunteer with a non-profit that does ecological sanitation there.

The composting of human wastes is a simple, beautiful, not as smelly as you'd imagine, and awfully effective way of dealing with human waste, challenges of fertility, and preventing illness due to poor sanitation. It doesn't require expensive plumbing, water for flushing, sewage treatment plants, and it doesn't treat the nutrients in our waste as well...waste! For instance, the function of our urinary tract (how we pee) is to get rid of excess nitrogen in our body. That is the only way we get rid of nitrogen, so wow, it makes sense that our urine is an extremely rich source of nitrogen fertilizer! In fact, Sweden is really into using urine as fertilizer, and in many developing countries it's a really important and free source of fertilizer.

Especially with Haiti's poor soil, erosion, and cholera epidemics, ecological sanitation has promise to literally save tens of thousands of lives, provide people with the dignity of having a place to go to the bathroom without poisoning themselves, and to create high-quality fertilizer to help Haiti be self-sufficient in food.

So these are some of the things I'm excited about, and why I wanted to switch to Ecological Engineering. I'll get to study these things, make cool synergistic systems, learn about biogas (making natural gas from human wastes and food wastes), and so forth. In the urban environment, these also have a lot of potential. If we all got natural gas from our wastes, it would be free and we wouldn't have to do all this shale oil and gas extraction that is more environmentally damaging even than other fossil fuels. Green New Yorkers is leading a CSO trip soon. Think if we got natural gas from our human waste, which then becomes fertilizer, instead of flushing it down the toilets and into the rivers when it rains!

It's about common sense and learning to see and use what's right in front of us. There's nothing weird about the fact that we poo and pee. Every living thing does, or creates waste in some other way, and there's always another living thing that thrives off that waste, breaking it back down into the ingredients of life to keep the cycle going.

I feel fortunate to have found the right field for me, and I can't wait to be around people who know so much more about it all than me!

I remember reading an article in the NY Times about a project to interview elderly people and ask them to reflect on what's most important in their lives. A huge percentage of them said, that after thinking about it, it's so extremely important to have a job that you care about, find important, and have fun with. So although I've had financial and other setbacks, I think it's a good investment for my future, and hopefully the future of the planet!

Hope you enjoyed my post and some of my story. I move to Syracuse this summer to begin a Ph.D. program in Ecological Engineering.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Lean, Mean, and Green: Green Volunteering in NYC

Last year my head exploded.  It was Earth Day 2011, April 22.  I was walking in Central Park with a friend and it was a gorgeous April day.  I remember that I had alot swimming around in my brain: green house gases are causing world climate change to happen faster, the world population is reaching 7 billion, food and oil is becoming more expensive,  fossil fuels continue to pollute, and on and on.  So there I was, walking and talking, barking really, at my friend complaining, “What are we going to do? Who is going to save the planet?” After bloviating for a good 100 yards, my friend turned to me and asked, “Maybe its time you DO something about it rather than complain to me all the time!”  I stopped in my tracks.  Yes, what was I going to do? Keep complaining or do something about it?  Up until this point, I did recycle at home, I did reduce and reuse all that I could including electricity at home. I was not a vegetarian but I did shop at my local farmers market.  I attended local environmental talks.  I signed petitions.  I called myself an environmentalist.  But after considering all that I did, I realized that, for me, it was not enough. 

I suddenly became very excited.  My furrowed brow of worry and alarm smoothed out and my eyes brightened with new possibility.  I had been thinking about volunteering for a long time but just never got around to starting. I wanted to get more involved in my community and now was the time to get going!  So I set out on a journey to learn about how to participate in green initiatives near me and help make change happen right here.  I joined New York Cares (, attended their orientation, and began doing volunteer projects in parks and gardens around the city.  If you are interested in volunteering but not sure how to start, then NY Cares is the place to begin.  It is incredibly easy and organized, and I feel like I am part of an army of doers.  It is the best way to explore the 1200+ local organizations that need volunteers on an ongoing basis.  The NY Cares website is fantastic for quickly finding projects that need people to volunteer any day of the week, by neighborhood, by type of project, and even by subway line.  I started doing projects that involved park and community garden clean ups and work.  I do love digging in the dirt.  I have also been having a fun time volunteering with GrowNYC ( with their kitchen scrap composting program available at a few greenmarkets around the city.  It is a good program to promote diverting compostable material from the city garbage system and instead sending this rich resource to our local urban farms, gardens, and other places that can use it.

I decided to take my Saturday volunteering to the next level.  In my efforts to become more and more green in my everyday life, I had been thinking of going vegetarian and so started doing “Meatless Mondays” ( which is a movement that you are likely aware of.  Even Oprah had done a show about it during her final season.  The idea is to consciously not eat meat on Mondays, and in so doing eating more vegetables and soy to improve diet and health, while also buying and consuming less from the meat industry which is a huge polluter in this country.  Taking a cue from this concept I thought it would be fun and rewarding to do “Green Saturdays” during which I would not use any (or as little as possible) personal electricity each Saturday.  I really got excited.  I decided to start documenting my green Saturdays on twitter (!/greensaturdays).  I like using twitter as an alternative for communication and networking and this form of “micro blogging” seemed right for the job. There are a million things that I can do in this city while not using my electricity and it has been a blast doing them. I look forward to my Saturdays now in a way that I never did before: just finding outdoor or indoor things to do is part of the fun. I also enjoy saving a little coin on my electric bill! The most fun part of my green Saturdays and volunteering is that I have met so many like-minded people here in New York and started some great friendships, an army of greenies and you’d never even know it!

During my nearly 10 months of doing Green Saturdays, I am proud to say that I have learned so much, I have met incredible people, and I have explored this city in new and exciting ways.  Ten months ago I was not sure how New York City was getting green or what organizations were available for people who want to get more involved.  Now, I do.  Green Saturdays brought me to Green New Yorkers and other environmentally friendly groups and people.  I do feel 100 times more conscious about our environmental situation in New York, in the US, and in the world as a whole.  I find myself paying so much more attention and being “plugged in” to our future.  Am I saving the world by not using my electricity once a week?  No. But going from being a complainer to a doer has meant everything this past year to me by getting involved and getting greener. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Creating Wealth with Nature's Money

Jan 2012 Green Living Food for Thought

Imagine being able to have a business with very low or zero total costs including but not limited to startup investments, raw materials, machinery, energy, labor, and waste disposal. The operation of this business results in environmental benefits for the site, lower costs for the municipality, better health for the customers and the business operators. This business produces products of very high quality and value which are not at risk from competition from business rivals.

Ridiculous? There's more....

Imagine that the business uses nanorobots that operate mostly without supervision - programming, repairing, reproducing, and decommissioning themselves as necesssary. We can have this business in our own neighborhoods without any travel expenses and specifically without any new direct fossil fuel involvement. The business tends to become easier and cheaper to operate as well as more productive as time goes on so that the profit margin approaches 100%!

Are you thinking this is a useless delusional exercise?

Actually, the description of this seemingly miraculous business is simply of a compost-fed home food garden designed around salvaged materials, seed saving, and plant propagation. Compost worms are like nanorobots able to process food waste into top quality potting soil and fertilizer! Edible plants are like nanotech factories powered by sunlight that manufacture food.

Mystery solved!

The Wealth Creation in this example is achieved by recognizing the value of resources from Nature that our culture has socialized us to ignore or to discard as waste. However, in Nature there is no concept of waste...every output from a natural system is a valuable resource for another.

Examples of Nature's Money that are typically ignored or discarded include:

$$$ Compostable Food Waste and Yard Waste
$$$ Sunlight, Shade, Gravity, Wind, and Rain
$$$ Edible Weeds (take a look at -

But wait, how economically meaningful can fruits and vegetables from a home garden be? Well, what would it mean to our society if we could reduce the need for food stamps, Medicaid, and Medicare? I can speak with authority from my own experience that my grocery expenses and health care costs are much much lower than the national average as a direct benefit of this type of home garden.

Here is the CHALLENGE to Green New Yorkers....let's look around for examples of Nature's Money mistakenly overlooked or considered refuse and figure out how to convert it into the Wealth that we sorely need. Our food system is just one of a myriad of areas in our lives to examine.

There's no time to lose when there is so much to gain!